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Male Fertility

Infertility Overview and Diagnostics

Based on your coverage and unique family goals, your physician will help you determine the right treatment plan.

Causes of Male Infertility

Male fertility can be affected by stress, weight, illness, lifestyle factors (e.g., drug use, smoking, etc.) medications, treatment for cancer, hormone imbalance, and exposure to environmental factors.

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after a period of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse without using any form of birth control. It is estimated that anywhere from 10 to 20% of couples do not conceive during their first year of trying. Men and women are equally affected by issues of infertility.

At Kaiser Permanente Southern California, we offer a range of male infertility tests and treatment options. Speak to your physician if you are interested in scheduling a consultation with an infertility urologist.


During your consultation, an infertility urologist will review your medical history to determine if laboratory tests or other diagnostics are recommended. Tests can include a physical exam, lab work, and imaging studies which can help assess your current health status, identify what may be causing infertility issues, as well as the right treatment plan.

Surgical Care

Surgical treatment may be suggested to test and find the causes of male infertility, which may include:

  • A testis biopsy, which helps to determine the presence of sperm in the testicles.
  • A varicocele repair, which is performed when enlarged veins are present in the scrotum which may contribute to infertility issues.

Sperm Retrieval

Sometimes, surgical sperm retrieval is necessary for in-vitro fertilization (IVF). A variety of procedures are available to patients with IVF benefits (patient cost-share may apply).

A sperm retrieval procedure may take place in the doctor’s office or operating room and consists of surgical removal of sperm from the testicle(s).

The sperm cells obtained are then used to fertilize the egg(s) and create embryo(s).

Vasectomy Reversal

In some cases, a vasectomy can be “reversed” to allow the flow of sperm through the vas deferens allowing you to potentially achieve pregnancy through sexual intercourse, artificial insemination, or In-Vitro Fertilization.

Vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure requiring anesthesia in the operating room.
This is a non-covered, fee-for-service procedure available to Kaiser members and non-members, which requires you to pay in full out-of-pocket for the consult and the surgery:

View the Coverage page for out-of-pocket cost information.